No PLG, no POC, no problem

Give prospects the confidence they need to convert by proving the value your solution offers in ways a demo or empty trial can't — with no engineering support.

The benefits of TestBox trials

TestBox trials add features that make evaluating your product easier than ever.

Quick links menu

TestBox's quick links menu directs prospects to your top features so they can find exactly what they're looking for and start testing and evaluating your product in seconds.

Working integrations

Most leads won't integrate critical company systems before they know that your product does what they need it to do. With TestBox's preconfigured integrations, they don't have to.

Data population

Every TestBox trial is preconfigured with custom data, meaning reports are immediately functional, ticketing systems contain requests, and CRMs have contacts already built out.

Trial personalization

If you cater to many different types of buyers, you can customize the features displayed and data used in your TestBox trial to personalize it by industry, vertical, or persona.

Instant updates

TestBox sits on top of a live instance of your product, so it always shows your latest features and UI. All product updates appear in TestBox as soon as they're launched.

Full functionality

Your TestBox playgrounds work exactly like your live product — all links, features, and functions are fully operational. TestBox simply adds additional features to help your trial shine.
TestBox provides an easier way for new users to understand our product's logic, features, most useful tools, etc. Thanks to this, prospects have fewer questions about the basics."
Piotr Jakubowski
Piotr Jakubowski,

The benefits of TestBox for marketers

Use TestBox to create a free trial of your product from scratch or to improve the conversion rates of your existing free trial.

Replace your existing trial

Lightbulb moments on autopilot

Provide a better-than-trial experience with product instances that are pre-filled with realistic data and functional integrations.
Reengage lost leads

The perfect free trial experience

Quick links to key features and guided walkthroughs let new users experience your product as though they've already been using it for months.
Increase expansion

Engage leads across all your channels

Embed your trial experience on your website and G2 profile, then link to it from your ads, nurture emails, and outbound communications.
TestBox has been a massive value-add for our SE team. They've enabled us to provide prospects with beautiful sandbox environments to allow them to quickly get their hands on the product and tangibly feel the value.
Karen Darling
Sean Bernard
Senior Solutions Engineer, Catalyst
TestBox saves us an average of 2-5 hours a week in developer time, but the big win is having products that are now demo-able that it would have taken us 3-5 months to create in our own demo instance.
Karen Darling
Beth Laing
Senior Director of Engineering, CallRail
Clients can get a feel of our product faster and easier. Before trialing our product, they can test any implementations or customizations they need inside of TestBox.
Karen Darling
Jared Walton

Account Executive, Zendesk
TestBox makes it easy for your prospects to experience your product's look and feel without having to do any of the onboarding/implementation. We love working with the TestBox team!
Karen Darling
David Brudnicki
Solutions Consultant, Catalyst
The dummy data included in TestBox makes it easier for prospects to understand how our solution works. Ultimately, this speeds up the sales process and makes both the buyer's and seller's job easier.
Karen Darling
Adam Nevin
Senior Account Executive, Zendesk
There is no better way to engage buyers and support value-driven conversations than providing access to TestBox.
Karen Darling
Karen Darling

Head of U.S. Sales, Dixa

More revenue, less effort

Spin up live demo environments, trials, and POCs in seconds with TestBox. Close more deals and speed up your sales cycle — all with fewer resources than ever before.